No matter how well we eat, remain curious and live a vibrant life, we have all experienced periods of times when we seem to misplace our things, can’t find our keys, can’t think of a word or feel like our brain is fogged up.


Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer has demonstrated that we, like all living beings develop a short term memory loss when dealing with a separation. Even a time of year can remind us of a past separation and we may experience a mild forgetfulness as a passing inconvenience.  This is a natural survival mechanism of our body and once we recognize it as such, it brings insight and understanding.


What happens is this. In the animal world, longtime grieving of the loss of an offspring or mate would seriously jeopardize the survival of the herd or group. So, nature allows for a few hours or day of  ‘searching for the lost little deer’ or ‘missing the stolen eggs in the mother bird’s nest’ and then forgetfulness takes over as the mother will be allowed to forget the tragedy and life (in the herd) can go on as usual. That is the reason by the way that we are told never to remove an egg in a nest and put it back later. The mother bird will have forgotten it and reject it as her own. 

For humans, this same survival mechanism is activated by the brain when we experience a separation trauma. This may be translated into a couple of days of absentmindedness or to a diagnosis of  Alzheimer when the feeling of separation or the memory is prolonged. It is a fact that Alzheimer rarely occurs when the elderly live with family and are felt needed, performing tasks for the family. And in our society, the elderly are very susceptible to memory loss what with the typical western lifestyle. The very diagnosis of ‘Alzheimer’ is major reason for more trauma, another story.

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Zal meer informatie geven over gedragsverandering en klachten van geheugen verlies, van ziektes als Alzheimer en dementie en ADD, alsook alle zogenaamde psychiatrische aandoeningen. Zie Schizofrenic Constellations!